Dave Beckett's blog

New Ruby API for Redland

2004-04-28 21:06

Last week, a proper native Ruby API for Redland was pretty much completed (with a few required changes to core Redland) by Dominic Sisneros which I was very pleased to see. It is available at the Rubyforge site project ruby-rdf along with extensive class documentation. It seems to have converted the C parts to more natural Ruby idioms in the manner I did for the other languages. It comes with a unit test suite and examples and is already up to version 0.5. It looks like it just remains to do a bit of portability testing, packaging, merging, maybe renaming the module namespace and decide how much of it to ship with Redland.

We should also prod the very quiet

public-rdf-ruby list.

Thanks a lot, Dominic!

(There were also new redland C# API changes last week and other developments, more of which later)